Nob | Sarah Lucas (Revolver) Liefern
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Nob | Sarah Lucas (Revolver)
ISBN 978-3-95763-053-7
Its title originates from the word „knob“, which Sarah Lucas prefers to write as it is pronounced. „knob“ can mean a round door handle, but colloquially, of course, it is synonymous with penis – although not quite as crude as „dick“, „cock“ or „pecker“ – and can also be used to refer to an idiot, while „knobs“ are a term for female breasts, or to be more precise, for the nipples.
„I’ve been musing on the penis, artwise, since the early nineties. Initially it was an antidote to all the tits and bums we seem to be bombarded with daily. It could also have something to do with the fact that I don’t, personally, have one. In any case I found it to be a perfectly self-contained sculptural form, ‚pregnant‘ with meaning. A totem.“ (Sarah Lucas, „My phallic response to Britten’s centenary“, in: The Independent, May 1, 2013)
Texts: Sarah Lucas, Jeanette Pacher, András Pálffy, Julian Simmons